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Embrace change in an ever-evolving future.

Region: Quindío, Colombia

Farm: Jardines Del Eden

Producer: Felipe Arcila

Process: Natural EF2

Variety: Sidra

Tasting Notes: Green Apple, Strawberry

Reserve & Exotic coffees are on a limited roasting schedule. Anything ordered with it will ship alongside it.

In the annals of Colombian coffee, Felipe stands as a paragon of the hero archetype – turning his back on a prosperous career in the distant land of Australia to heed the call of his family's farms and bring forth a new vision of coffee in his homeland. Over the span of a decade, he has woven a tapestry of unyielding quality, each thread a testament to his unwavering devotion. 

Sidra is a rare, modern variety, with the biggest characteristic of Sidra being stonefruit forward and light citrus flavors with a silky mouthfeel. In the EF2 process, cherries are anaerobically fermented for 24 hours, moved into fermentation bags for an additional six hours, and then dried on beds used for natural processing. After the cherries are at the ideal moisture level, they are placed back into the anaerobic fermentation bags for an additional 2 days.

Jardines del Eden may produce rare and high-grade coffees, but experimentation and the pursuit of the next level of specialty coffee is at the heart of their work. Innovations in fermentation as well as inclusions and experimental processing have taken Jardines del Eden to the forefront of the industry, blazing a path that is both inspiring and exciting for producers and coffee drinkers alike.

Curious to know more? Read more about Felipe in The Tattered Journal

V60 Brew Recommendations:

Dose: 20g

Ratio: 1:17

Grind: medium-fine

Bloom: 1:2 for 30s

Total Brew: 2:35

We recommend continuous pours for more tropical fruits.

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