Discover the Results of Elevating Coffee for a Better World.

This will roast and ship the week of 5/20. Anything ordered with this will ship alongside.

Region: Santa Clara, Panama

Farm: Finca Santa Teresa, Summer Lot

Producer: Nicola and Grant Fleming

Process: Natural

Variety: Gesha

Tasting Notes: A balanced and unique cup with notes of Candied Lemon, Vibrant Jasmine, and Orange.


When you visit Finca Santa Teresa on the slopes of Volcán Barú, it is evident that something unique is happening here. Not only do they strive to produce great coffee, but they prioritize the flora and fauna abundant on their farm. This is rare to find, especially when the majority of coffee producers practice deforestation in order to produce as much coffee as possible, regardless of how it impacts the environment.

Aracelli Estribi, the long time manager of Finca Santa Teresa, began sending us consistently outstanding samples of Panamanian Geishas, and I couldn’t find another word to describe their flavor other than simply “beautiful.” Although the impact of Biodiversity is nearly impossible to quantify, it is evident that it plays a role in the exceptionally vibrant fruit and floral tasting notes.

Set in one of the world's most biodiverse Regions, Santa Teresa Farms only 30% of their land, leaving the rest to nature, providing a haven for wildlife. The name "Summer" reflects the lot this coffee is grown on within the farm.




V60 Brew Recommendations:

Dose: 20g

Ratio: 1:17

Grind: 8.0/16.0

Bloom: 1:2 for 30s

Total Brew: 3:15

TDS: 1.37

Extraction: 19.9%

We recommend a pulsated pours for a more lively cup



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