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Natural Mokka

Finca Hawaii, Colombia

Mokka coffee, named after Yemen’s historic coffee region, actually originates from the island of Maui, Hawaii, where its isolation allowed it to develop distinct characteristics. Known for its tiny beans, significantly smaller than most, Mokka delivers an intensely flavorful cup with a dense, creamy, and lactic body. Its profile is marked by bright fruit-forward notes and rich floral aromas, making it a prized specialty coffee. Finca Hawaii, part of the Café Granja La Esperanza portfolio, represents the farm’s commitment to cultivating rare and exotic varietals in Colombia. Through meticulous adaptation and innovation, they have successfully produced Mokka, overcoming the challenges of growing this delicate variety while maintaining the high standards that define their reputation in specialty coffee.

Flavor Notes: Pineapple, Papaya, and Florals 

Brewing Tips: HERE

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