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Step into the unknown.

Region: Acevedo, Huila, Colombia

Farm: Villa Betulia

Producer: Luis Anibal-Calderon

Process: Natural Carbonic Maceration

Variety: Maragesha

Tasting Notes: Tropical fruits, strawberry, effervescent floral

Reserve & Exotic coffees are on a limited roasting schedule. Anything ordered with it will be delayed and shipped alongside it.

Luis Anibal is a collector; a curator of exotic varieties. While visiting last May we were blown away by the number of unique heirlooms, mutations, and hybrid varieties he has at his farm. One of these is this Maragesha: a cross of the Gesha and Maragogype varieties, discovered as a natural mutation among trees on the plantation. This extraordinary variety was carefully cultivated to establish a distinct presence. The coffee undergoes a fermentation process, beginning with a six-day anaerobic fermentation followed by floating and hand-sorting the coffee meticulously. The use of a grainpro bag during fermentation allows for the rise of CO2 levels, thus ensuring temperature stability.

Luis Anibal Calderon has made it his life's passion to cultivate unique varieties of coffee. Luis comes from a line of coffee farmers, having started his venture on his father's farm at the age of 9. His thirst for unique coffee varieties has made him known for his obsession with the limits of the plant. He views his collection as an arboretum of sorts, always striving to find new cultivars and has become famous for his success in growing new and interesting coffee; our partnership with him can lead us to a new world of unique coffees.

V60 Brew Recommendations:

Dose: 22g

Ratio: 1:15.5

Grind: Slightly Finer

Bloom: 1:2 for 30s

Total Brew: 2:51

TDS: 1.45

Extraction: 19.34%

I found this coffee pretty challenging to dial in. It was very unforgiving of a high extraction percentage, and tasted best very close to the lower end of our brew parameters, not offering much margin of error in either direction.

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